Donations and pledges over £60k
Friends of Alton Station
Donations are just a few pounds off £5,000 and, when we add the pledges, this takes the total to £65,665 - we are getting there. Please keep sending in what you can to help, as we need to raise £170k for the first phase.
We are working on our 2nd application for charity status, this time with the working title of Alton Station Heritage Footbridge Trust CIO, creating a trust specifically for this project. We will keep you updated once the application is made.
Be assured that all donations made to date have been recorded and will be made over to the new charity once it is formed. This policy will continue until the change-over is made, so please made cheques out to Friends of Alton Station for the time being.
Contact Information
Stephen Lewis
- 01420 544881
Find Friends of Alton Station
c/o Alton Community Centre, Amery Street, Alton, Hampshire, GU34 1HN